05 - 06 - 07 December 2024 - HITEX EXHIBITION CENTRE, HYDERABAD

CBSE allows class 10 students to transition from basic math to standard math in class 11

  • 16 May 2024

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has recently reaffirmed that students of class 10 who have pursued Mathematics Standard (041) can opt for Mathematics (041) in class 11.


However, for students who opted for Mathematics Basic (241) in class 10, they will only have the option to pursue Applied Mathematics in class 11. This move comes as part of CBSE's response to the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.


Notably, CBSE has decided to extend the exemption allowing students who studied Mathematics Basic (241) in class 10 to take Mathematics (041) in class 11. This relaxation in the rule will be applicable for the academic session 2024-25 only.


The Board has also issued instructions to schools, emphasizing that before granting permission for students to take Mathematics (041) in class 11, school authorities must ensure that these students possess the aptitude and ability to pursue the subject.


Additionally, for the students of Class X in the 2024-2025 sessions, CBSE has stated that once they have selected their subjects in the List of Candidates (LOC), no changes will be permitted. The policy outlined on 10th January 2019 regarding subject selection will be strictly enforced.


These measures aim to provide clarity and consistency in subject selection for students amidst the evolving educational landscape affected by the pandemic.